My friends know to call me before they stop by, and I wasn't expecting any visitors. My apartment was dim, I had my candles burning, and I was chilling out with a good book. *Rap* *Rap* *Rap* A little louder now, and I was getting a bit nervous. I don't live in a bad neighborhood, but that line of demarcation is only a few blocks away... I still don't respond, the shades are down, and I can't be seen or heard. *Rap* *Rap* Now I get the SKS, which I keep around for such an occasion, and fold out the bayonette.
I am now crouched with my rifle near the window the unknown person is knocking on. Are they visitors for another resident? Are they casing my apartment to see if anyone is home before they attempt a break in? The business end of the SKS looks like this...
The window set up is a bay style window, 2 windows on each side of a large window that doesn't open, the small side windows do. I am kneeling on the side of the window that they are knocking on. There are definetly two people out there. I don't want to skewer anyone, and I sure as shit don't want to shoot anyone either.
This is a moment I have prepared myself for, yet I have a million things running through my mind. What if they break the window to get in? They would have a hard time getting through that small window, so I would chamber a round home to make an audible point, and ask them to leave, or else. Problem is, if they don't leave, I have to be ready to deliver the 'or else', and it won't be a good situation either way. For them, I imagine being stabbed with that bayonette, or shot can't be a pleasant experience. For me, dealing with the police, the landlord, the neighbors, the newspapers etc. *RAP* *RAP*
My nerves are on end, and my adreanelin level is up. Then I hear a womans voice, I can't understand what she is saying, but it is a woman's voice. I hear another woman respond to her.
I feel relief wash over me as I stand the rifle against the wall out of sight, and open the shade to ask what they want. One of them lives in the apartment upstairs, and she forgot her keys when she left for work. I let them in.
They will never know what was on the other side of that window, and it's better that they don't. I believe I handled the situation responsibly, but it has caused me to think more about what I would do in another situation like that, or, if God forbid, I were in a situation where I have to make a life or death decision. My decision matrix is pretty clear; neuteralize the threat to me or others. If I threaten deadly force and the perp runs away, the threat is gone, there is no need for further action, save calling the cops.
Every gun owner owes themselves a bit of deep introspection and planning for what they would do in the event they have to use deadly force. I could go on and on about the effect of taking a life on one's psyche, or what to do after taking deadly action, to what and what not to say to the police. There are many, many resources on the web that deal with all of this. You would also do well to read and understand your states' laws pertaining to the use of deadly force.
I am not proud of what happened to me, nor am I ashamed of my actions. I used my default of not using force unless my life or property are in danger. The ladies knocking had no idea there was an armed man on the other side of that window.
Think about it, and stay safe.
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